Grand Lecturer


Let me extend a warm “Welcome” to you all. Including myself there are 18 of us tasked with maintaining the health, development, and now the educational presentation of Ritual in the NY Jurisdiction of the Royal Arch. Those of you have worked with me or have attended the GL Conventions know that I take an expansionist view of what we are asked to do. However, I also hope you know that I’m open to your suggestions, needs, and concerns about what we will try to accomplish this year.

Both the AGLs and I intend to meet your needs and concerns as closely as possible. Rather than imposing my ideas upon you, I hope you will tell us what you need, and we will tailor the programs around you.

I hope you will find this page both interesting and informative. The calendar will list all my visits during the year, including the Conventions and Symposiums. You will also find my Blog, where I will comment as I travel around the State. The Ask the Grand Lecturer is a space where you can ask questions, which I will answer as soon as I can. We will keep the answers to everyone can benefit from your questions.

Finally, I have been asked by many Chapters about the sword work as it is currently required in our Standard Ritual. To help you I have put a video on this page showing how the sword is to be used in Chapter. {pending}

If you have any other concerns, please use this forum to raise them.

With Fervency & Zeal,

R∴E∴ Peter C.  Pizzorno
Grand Lecturer